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  1. k52

    Gold Farm Partnership

    i have +25 rs3 accounts all with free trade, let me know what you got
  2. k52

    RS3 Selling RS3 account, 10 year vet

    i can bot all day for and get more then 10m LOL selling for 30 buck bump
  3. k52

    Atlas Beach Event [Deleted]

    nah you're probably good, i was just a dumb ass. I was normally botting 4-8 hours ,but i botted 15,18,20 hours on the weekend
  4. k52

    Atlas Beach Event [Deleted]

    got ban at 97 range, was around 20 or so hours away from 99 range. It's a good bot.
  5. k52

    Atlas Beach Event [Deleted]

    i got 1-91 range with this bot, ill be botting +20 hours for the next several days to reach 99 range
  6. k52

    Atlas Beach Event [Deleted]

    i did 1-80 range with this bot, im going to keep running it till the event finishes or i get ban.
  7. k52

    Atlas Beach Event [Deleted]

  8. k52

    RS3 Selling RS3 account, 10 year vet

    Offere anything, I just want it gone. still for sale bump bump bump bump
  9. k52

    Help with credit card

    Okay, just wanted to make sure. one last thing what is this "Purchase Rate: 24.99% variable APR"
  10. k52

    Help with credit card

    So i just a credit card,but i have no fucking clue on how to use it. So lets say i bought groceries and spent $350, and i put it on the credit card. do i pay the $350 next month or is it like monthly payment type shit. thanks
  11. k52

    RS3 Selling Rs3 Account

    you can still get back money even if you send it as gift
  12. k52

    RS3 Buying RS3 gp for $0.26/M Runemate Money

    post me, i wanna see it
  13. k52


  14. k52

    Strong Jawline

    Hey all! Been reading that women like men with strong jawlines. Just wondering how you are supposed to judge whether or not you have a strong jawline Is there a way of improving your jaw line? Thanks!
  15. k52

    Selling Close to Max Account

    but what if you end up recovering it, im out 15 buck.
  16. k52

    Selling Close to Max Account

    15 buck
  17. k52

    What do you think of my work so far?

    communication- Terrible bots-good
  18. k52

    Why are you here?

    idk i like to bot
  19. k52

    RS3 Buying cheapish main

    RS3 - Selling RS3 account, 10 year vet has like 60m now
  20. k52

    do you think i should stop botting one account after my other gets banned?

    who cares about getting banned,we're freaks.