
Account Upgrades

RuneMate offers you a flexible approach for pricing for the vast majority of our services. With RuneMate you pay only for what you need, for as long as you want to, and without requiring long-term contracts or complex licensing. You only pay for the services you consume, and once you cancel them, there are no additional costs or termination fees.



  • 2 accounts running at once
  • 200 hours of botting a month
  • Access to hundreds of free bots


$ /mo

  • Access to hundreds of free bots
  • Access to Supporter bots
  • Supporter rank on forums


$ /mo

  • Access to hundreds of free bots
  • Access to Supporter bots
  • Sponsor rank on forums and Discord
  • Ads removed on forums and client
  • Post external links on forums and Discord


Free Supporter Sponsor
Access to hundreds of free bots
Access to Supporter bots
Supporter rank on forums
Sponsor rank on forums and Discord
Ads removed on forums and client
Post external links on forums and Discord